Creating conditions for success in the Capital District…
Founded in 2010, Capital District LATINOS (CDL) seeks to create conditions for the success of the Latinx community in the Capital District. CDL engages with public, private, and community-based partners, as well as local elected officials, in the Albany region to explore avenues for collaboration and develop strategic initiatives.

Capital District LATINOS (CDL), is the only Latino-led organization in the Albany area that owns a stand-alone building where cultural, educational and health-related services are provided. Its Cultural Empowerment & Community Engagement Center serves as an important hub for community services and initiatives.
Capital District LATINOS seeks to provide culturally competent preventive services, educational programs, cultural empowerment activities, and healthy living initiatives to support historically underrepresented communities and help them thrive.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, CDL has been busy ensuring that underserved communities in the Capital Region are able to gain access to critical resources, including food, essential items, and COVID-19 education and vaccines.